Skin Cancer Check Treatment in Dayton & Ohio Dermatologists
Dermatologists of Southwest Ohio
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Nathan Weir, MD
Megan Whitehouse, PA-C
Karla Yanes, NP
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Miami Valley North
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Troy Office (Suite 102)
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Medical Services
We have a wide range of services designed to address your specific skincare needs.
Conditions Acne
Actinic Keratosis
Angiomas and Hemangiomas
Basal Cell Carcinoma
Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
Hair Loss & Alopecia
Skin Cancer
Spider Veins
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Treatments & Procedures Biologics & Topical Medications
Excisions & Biopsies
Mohs Surgery
Mole Removal
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
Skin Cancer Check
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Cosmetic Services
Our cosmetic services are tailored to remedy your skincare needs.
Conditions Acne
Brown Spots and Discoloration
Crows Feet
Dark Eye Circles
Double Chin
Enlarged Pores
Lines and Wrinkles
Sagging Skin
Skin Pigmentation
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Treatments & Procedures Botox® & Dysport®
Chemical Peels
CO2 Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing
Facial Fillers
Hair Removal
IPL® Photofacial
Skin Rejuvenation
Tattoo Removal
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Dermatologists of Southwest Ohio
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Full Body Exam: Comprehensive Skin Check

A process, i.e., a screening or scan, by which we check your skin for moles, birthmarks or other areas with an unusual color, size, shape or texture.

What is it?

A dermatological skin and mole evaluation, often referred to as a full body exam, is a thorough assessment conducted by a dermatologist to evaluate your skin's health and detect any irregularities, such as suspicious moles or lesions that may indicate skin cancer or other dermatological issues.

We highly recommend undergoing comprehensive annual skin examinations as part of a proactive strategy for preserving skin health. This advice is particularly pertinent for individuals with heightened skin cancer risk factors, such as the presence of moles, irregular or atypical moles, a family history of skin cancer, prolonged sun exposure without proper protection, or a compromised immune system.

Our assessment focuses on identifying the three most prevalent types of skin cancer: basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.

Both basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma fall under the category of "keratinocyte carcinomas." These non-melanoma skin cancers originate in the keratinocytes, the predominant type of skin cells in the epidermis, or the outermost layer of the skin.

Melanoma represents the most severe form of skin cancer, originating in the melanocytes, the cells responsible for producing skin pigment. While less common than basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma poses a greater threat as it can rapidly metastasize to other organs if not detected early. However, it's crucial to note that melanoma is often curable when detected and treated promptly.

If you haven't undergone an annual skin examination or have noticed any unusual changes on your skin, such as new or evolving skin lesions, discomfort, or non-healing wounds, please don't hesitate to contact one of the Dermatologists of Southwest Ohio clinics serving the communities of Batavia, Beavercreek, Bridgetown, Cincinnati, Dayton, Dent, Greenville, Hillsboro, Kettering, Mason, Montgomery, Oxford, Troy, West Chester and Wilmington, Ohio. With our extensive experience and board-certified dermatologists, we are exceptionally skilled in providing you with expert care.

What to expect

During your appointment, we'll conduct a thorough examination from head to toe, encompassing your scalp and the spaces between your fingers and toes. Additionally, we'll address any areas of concern you may have and carefully assess them. We're on the lookout for any anomalies, moles, patches, or lesions that appear different or irregular, including those with uneven borders, multiple hues, or a diameter exceeding six millimeters (about one-quarter of an inch). Should we identify any suspicious areas, we may utilize a magnifying device for a closer inspection.

In the event of a concerning finding, we may suggest a biopsy, a procedure involving the extraction of a skin sample for analysis. This process typically takes just a few minutes, and the biopsy site typically heals within one to two weeks. We'll send the biopsy specimen to our laboratory for examination and keep you informed about the expected timeline for receiving results, understanding the apprehension that may accompany waiting for this information.

If cancerous tissue is detected, we will coordinate further treatment options, which may include surgical excision of the affected area. Other modalities such as medication may also be recommended, and in severe cases, we may refer you to an oncologist for specialized care.

Once again, if you have any concerns, please don't hesitate to contact the offices of Dermatologists of Southwest Ohio, and we'll schedule an appointment for you to meet with one of our board-certified dermatologists. We're committed to providing you with exceptional care and support.

We would love to get started on a solution that perfectly fits your needs.